Mr Oriane Aubert
After her university studies, Me Oriane Aubert successfully passed the Bar Exam in Neuchâtel in July 2016. She then worked at the Ombudscom (Ombudsman in relation to telecommunications) and was then employed by the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) from January 2017 until July 2021, when she joined Etude Aubert-Hug as a Partner.
Me Oriane Aubert also graduated with a CAS and CAS+ in mediation from Fribourg University, and is currently an FSM (Fédération Suisse de Médiation)-recognized mediator. She is also a Member of the Neuchâtel’s mediation association MédiaNe’s committee MédiaNe therefore being actively involved in the promotion of the mediation in Neuchâtel.
Me Oriane Aubert works in parallel as a school mediator at the Ecole supérieure de Commerce in La Neuveville (BE), where she interacts, among others, with teenagers and young adults, in particular in order to deal with possible conflicts that they may face in this respect.
As of 1 January 2024, Me Oriane Aubert joined the new structure A2L as a Partner of the Law Firm.
Areas of Expertise
EmploymentJuvenile criminal justiceDroit de l'enfant
After her university studies, Me Oriane Aubert successfully passed the Bar Exam in Neuchâtel in July 2016. She then worked at the Ombudscom (Ombudsman in relation to telecommunications) and was then employed by the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) from January 2017 until July 2021, when she joined Etude Aubert-Hug as a Partner.
Me Oriane Aubert also graduated with a CAS and CAS+ in mediation from Fribourg University, and is currently an FSM (Fédération Suisse de Médiation)-recognized mediator. She is also a Member of the Neuchâtel’s mediation association MédiaNe’s committee MédiaNe therefore being actively involved in the promotion of the mediation in Neuchâtel.
Me Oriane Aubert works in parallel as a school mediator at the Ecole supérieure de Commerce in La Neuveville (BE), where she interacts, among others, with teenagers and young adults, in particular in order to deal with possible conflicts that they may face in this respect.
As of 1 January 2024, Me Oriane Aubert joined the new structure A2L as a Partner of the Law Firm.

Areas of Expertise
EmploymentJuvenile criminal justiceDroit de l'enfant
After her university studies, Me Oriane Aubert successfully passed the Bar Exam in Neuchâtel in July 2016. She then worked at the Ombudscom (Ombudsman in relation to telecommunications) and was then employed by the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) from January 2017 until July 2021, when she joined Etude Aubert-Hug as a Partner.
Me Oriane Aubert also graduated with a CAS and CAS+ in mediation from Fribourg University, and is currently an FSM (Fédération Suisse de Médiation)-recognized mediator. She is also a Member of the Neuchâtel’s mediation association MédiaNe’s committee MédiaNe therefore being actively involved in the promotion of the mediation in Neuchâtel.
Me Oriane Aubert works in parallel as a school mediator at the Ecole supérieure de Commerce in La Neuveville (BE), where she interacts, among others, with teenagers and young adults, in particular in order to deal with possible conflicts that they may face in this respect.
As of 1 January 2024, Me Oriane Aubert joined the new structure A2L as a Partner of the Law Firm.